At WeKnow we use Living Agenda's to help us create, clarify and execute our Action Plans. This method for running meetings is adapted from Round Sky Solutions’ collaborative leadership model and we've blended in some science into how we start each meeting.
Write Down Your Optimal Outcome

Before our Session begins, please write down your Optimal Outcome for our time together. You can write it down and share it with the group or type it into our Living Agenda. This increases the odds that we all get what you want by 42% according to Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews .
2. 90 Second Rule
It's a first of it's kind practice designed to improve our time together, starting with ourselves. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, discovered that we can't hold onto an emotion longer than 90 seconds unless we choose to. Starting our meetings with the 90 second rule allows us to be intentional with what we choose to bring into our time together.
3. Name Your Primary Feeling.
In our bi-digital lives we are all suffering from Info-Obesity. Today Google, ChatGPT or Alexa can answer anything we need to know instantly. This gives us more time to develop the heart, be compassionate, listen more to how we feel or how our actions impact others. How we feel impacts 32k decisions of our decisions each day according to a study performed by Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman. Science now shows us that only10% of our decisions are logical.

4. Listen
The same part of your brain lights up when you feel heard as when you experience love. Unfortunately, goldfish have longer attention spans than most humans. To help us get the most out of our time together, if you zone out speak up, ask for a 90 second pause or ask a story teller to speak to how that story makes them feel. People may argue about facts and opinions, but they can't argue about how it makes you feel.
